More Inspiring Words


New additions to my website – a labour of love; a work in progress – just like our own selves!

I’m posting new worship on a weekly basis. If you’ve not visited fro a while, then you are in for a Kingdom treat!

My long-term friend, Kent Henry is one of the forerunners of contemporary praise and worship and he’s still going strong in St. Louis. Hours of live recorded worship here, and over the next few days, hours more on the way!

Ken Henry Live Worship


For something completely different, I’ve just made a new page and gone live with it last night: The Life & Words of Madam Guyon


PLUS: a new (and controversial!) post from our guest blogger, the Rev. Dr. William DeArteaga HERE.


The enigmatic Zaine Bible Atlas remains a popular search item on the site, so I’ve made it easier to find on the top menu. Speaking of menus, I’ve been trying out a couple of beta-test menus. To browse all the site content, however, I suggest keep using the top header menu.

John Writing Blog banner

Visit us on our constantly updated website now! God bless you in the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! – John & Gladdys Ruffle.


Beta test mode: your comments welcome

New Menu

This menu is in beta trial mode as of June 2019. John E. Ruffle Comments welcome
Jesus Movement 1967-1977 Banner

Words to Inspire

martin-smith-29-3-19-tbn-greenrm-01BEEN BUSY HERE!

It’s been a busy season! The main work on my site re-build is complete. Just as we as children of God are constantly “works in progress” so are websites, and I’m adding new material on a weekly basis – check the new menu system to see for yourself. [Me (left) with UCB DJ Mike Rimmer at Martin Smith’s new album launch party.]

Kent Henry Live-edit-5-May-2019KENT HENRY & CARRIAGE HOUSE WORSHIP:

In March, legendary worship leader Kent Henry began doing a weekly live webcast over Facebook. Although we’ve not been face to face for many a year, Kent and I go way back to the St. Louis days before Hosanna! Integrity music was born, when Kent was worship leading and I co-led a drama group at the legendary “Sheep Shed” in Maryland Heights, Missouri – a major birthplace of the Contemporary Christian Worship scene. So I’ve a new page is dedicated to Kent’s recent work – including links to the live sessions recorded early May, 2019. You can listen in free to over 4 hours of worship – not to be missed – HERE.

dearteaga-thumbnailREV. DR. WILLIAM DÉ ARTEAGA:

Around the same time, my good friend, William dé Arteaga had his well-respected blog “Anglican Pentecostal” pulled by Google for no reason and I’ve been able to work with him in restoring some of his “lost” blog posts in a new section, with more to follow, HERE.


Jeri Heri picking flowers at the Lighthouse Ranch in 1972.


Another major work has been archiving material from the Jesus Movement in the early 1970s. Focusing on the work of Gospel Outreach and Lighthouse Ranch in northern California, my site is now hosting 2 films and a growling collection of audios – HERE.



I started this project ten years ago as a tribute to my late father, Denis Ruffle. As such the main focus of my website was putting hard to find Bibles and spiritual books here online, (including for the first time anywhere ALL of E. M. Bounds books on prayer – and totally free of charge, HERE.


Without any advertising, the website took off, and there has been rarely a day since going live in 2011 when the site has not had visitors. All the original material is still there, with far easier menu system that also works really well on mobile devices. So please do enjoy the new content as well as using the resources – I’ve around 20 English translations of the Bible resident on the site as well as links to children’s Bibles and translations in over 100 languages, HERE.

John Glad March 2019-crop


As Gladdys and I continue to build this exciting and fast outreaching project, we value your prayers above all. Yet to come are some exciting never-before released music from the Jesus Movement era, as well as more audio teaching from legendary pioneer preacher Jim Durkin and more videos. May God bless you richly as together we seek to love and serve our Lord Jesus. Amen!


Popular Intellectualism

Unmasking Popular Intellectualism within our Culture.

by J. E. Ruffle. Posted: April 4, 2019

Now, I am not at all against learning; ignorance certainly is not bliss. However, it occurs to me that much learning can influence a person toward viewing the world the way it’s prince desires of us. Allow me to explain: why is it that those engaged in higher education in western countries, where secular humanism holds massive sway, tend to be far more liberal-minded than those their kinfolk who, for whatever reason, are less academically inclined? Western universities are a hot-bed of liberalism, and the graduates emerging from such greenhouses have a far greater influence upon society in general than others. (I speak in generalities of course.) Our captains of media (the journalists) and of education (our teachers) – in particular spring to mind.

Artists also tend to be very liberal post-modern progressives, and the artistic bent has a tendency toward the profane and vulgar – in the name of exploring boundaries and enlightenment. (I could say more about the artistic temperament, but that’s for another post.)

But “art” and “intellect” are never to be our gods, nor yet the compelling power of sexual influence scrawled across the billboards of our minds by media of all varieties.

These all need to be dethroned and cast aside in order for our eyes to behold the wonders and the glory of Jesus, the returning King. To whom do you pledge allegiance? To this corrupt passing world system? The god of this world and his puppet kings and warlords?

Am I being anti-intellectual? Forgive me if I offer that impression, but nothing could be further from the truth. But I am against the corrupted intellect of this passing world system; the intellect that runs from the thought of a surrender of personal will to God; an intellectualism that seeks to rationalise away the very existence of our creator.

Let us call it for what it is: a “pseudo-intellectualism”; I would go so far that it satanic in essence, for by its fruits, it is seen to support the empire of the god of this world system, which is indeed satanic in nature.

Pseudo-intellectuals deny the logic of the debating forum, block out rational antithesis to any argument that they propose (and I’m not speaking of politics here, of whatever breed, which is but smoke and mirrors for underlying agendas). Pseudo-intellectuals are more concerned with the creation than their creator; more involved in worldly achievement rather than advancing the kingdom of heaven that starts right here and reaches to eternity.

Pseudo-intellectuals deny the imperative of a consideration of the state of their own eternal souls, and mock at the unscientific thought of a torturous hell or even a glorious heaven. They refuse to see the car-wreck just out of sight along the motorway or freeway of life. The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” (see: Psalm 14:1) and not many wise among us embrace the foolishness of the Cross. Yet therein is the power of God unto salvation.
(See: 1 Corinthians 1:26, 1 Corinthians 1:18) Blessed be the Name of our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Let us repent of any pseudo-intellectual strongholds in our own hearts and minds, for it can infect us all. We often use what I am calling pseudo-intellectualism as a convenient cover for those hurting places in our lives; the betrayals, the disappointments, the self-justifications that support our home-made props that take the place of a surrendered, active and compliant faith in Jesus.

Let us thus ponder our own souls, surrendering those dark and hurting places of our inner beings that block the true light of the Gospel. “Search my heart, oh Lord! (Psalm 139:23-24) as the psalmist David cried..and from the words of the Liturgy: “Have mercy on us, Oh Lord. For we have sinned against you.” (The Order of Mass)

The anti-dote for pseudo-intellectualism is simple. Too simple, sadly, for many. It is, in four words; “Have faith in God. (Mark 11:22). Amen.


Image of Ushaw Library used by permission. The author visited the library last year, but photography within the historic library is not permitted.